Testing Passage Of Time In Smart Contracts

October 15, 2021

Many ERC20 tokens allow for staking of other assets for a reward yield based on the amount of time staked. In smart contracts you can track the passage of time using block.timestamp which is the time since epoch measured in seconds. Measuring this…
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Testing Price Feeds On Mainnet With Hardhat

October 01, 2021

When writing smart contracts that interact with price feed oracles or perform things like flash loans and flash swaps it can be useful to test your code using a mainnet fork. It is great as a final step in integration testing when you want to make…
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Securing Your Mint Smart Contract Function

October 01, 2021

NFTs are all the rage and thanks to standards like ERC-721 and libraries OpenZeppellin anyone can get an NFT smart contract deployed to the Ethereum mainnet with relative ease. A key part of any NFT drop is the minting function. This is the function…
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Genesis Post: Building and deploying a blog about web3 on web3

September 30, 2021

I created this to document my journey through learning web3. I thought what better way to get started than to build and deploy this blog using web3 technologies.   Here is a quick rundown of some of the web3 infrastructure we will be using to host…
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